Saturday, August 26, 2006

100 Pounds of Drool it's been awhile - but I'm finally getting to my "perils of working with a 100 pound dog" .First, meet Mr. Ripley.

Of course, it is hard to get a real sense of respect for the SIZE of this puppy, until you have something to compare it to.
Meet Mr.Ripley's dad, Jay (note that Ripley is taller).

(of course, for those of you who know Jay will know that isn't SUCH a big feat..hehe)

Anyway, the drool wasn't actually the danger...nor was I the one in any danger. It pretty little beach ball.

I thought it would make a cute shot, and when Jay saw it was a purple ball,
he exlaimed - "GREAT! Purple is Ripley's favourite colour"

Favourite colour? Favourite colour to EAT it appeared!

Hm...I wonder what he would have done to the ball if it HADN'T been his favourite colour?

Anyway, the ball was the only casualty, and the shoot was a lot of fun.

But with these two crazy guys, how could it not be! And as demonstrated here, regardless of Mr Ripley's size, Jay assured me he was the one "in control!"

Of course, as you can see from Ripley's smirk here, he knows otherwise!

Coming up next...the youngest drummer in Victoria....and the cutest too!