Friday, April 25, 2008

The Search Continues...

Day 2 of the Sprouts Model Search for Charity was just as busy as Day 1 (thanks to all who came out & braved the "elements")
Ok, so maybe the snow had melted before the event began, but it was still a chilly April day!

We had another 60 "models" during the day, which makes the 2nd Annual Search almost 50% bigger than last year! Over the 2 days, the search raised over $1000 for Artemis Place!! (nice work everyone!)Our lucky 3 winners will be announced this coming week (and, I'll also be making a web gallery available with all the contestants, with an opportunity to purchase other prints if you like!)Watch for the announcement soon (I'll post it here & on my website - - so be sure to check back soon!