It's that time of year again!The 3rd Annual Sprouts Model Search for Charity!
Date: March 13 & 14
Time: 10AM - 4PM
Venue: Sprouts Children's Boutique (202-536 Herald Street)
How can you help us to keep things running smoothly?
1. When you arrive, please get a number.
2. Listen to what number we are on. When we are 2 away from your number, join us "on deck"
3. At this point, please get your little one ready (ie: out of sling, out of stroller)
4. Please have your $10 donation ready (we are only able to accept cash)
5. Fill out the entry form/image release form (sample here)
(feel free to download it now, print it out & have it pre-filled before you come!)
6. When it's your turn, please hand the entry form & donation to the photographer
And please remember, this is a model search (not to be confused with a photography session!)
We want as many people as possible to be able to participate, and our aim is to get one good shot/participant (anything more is a bonus!).
As for the question, "what should my child wear?" - that's entirely up to you!
We will be doing a shoot with the winners at the end of the month/early April, when they'll be sporting Sprouts' gear, and these will be the photos used in the ad campaign. Winners will be announced a week after the event in the Sprout-e-News & PrairiE-news.
And last, but not least, it's meant to be a FUN event to raise money for charity!
(so if crowds and a bit of mayhem causes you stress, you may consider passing on this event!)
What happens after the event?
* Your Free 5x7 print will be ready for pick-up at Sprouts after March 21st
* The 5 winners will be announced via email one week after the event
* Winners will come for another photo shoot down at Sprouts (date TBA)
* One lucky winner will grace the cover of Island Child Magazine (editor's pick)
If you love your print & want to purchase more, you can do so online. But please note - I have still not found a Canadian service that offers online order & print fulfillment (so any prints ordered will ship from the states)!