Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Circle of Life...(the beginning)

When it first came out (and several years after!), The Lion King used to be one of my favourite movies. I have wonder if listening to "The Circle of Life" regularly somehow influenced where I am today.Because this past weekend, I had the privilege of capturing the beginning of this circle, with a beautiful maternity session and a couple of sweet newborn shoots.

Here's a little preview!

Congrats G, M & E!
And a big 'welcome to the world' to sweet baby Mya!

And this little guy had a beautiful, full head of hair!
Congrats M & R, Julian is beautiful!
Interested in a newborn session?
Whether it's with Prairie Child Photography, another photographer, or you are doing it at home, I urge you to try to capture your wee one within the first 2 weeks - ideally, within the first week.

Newborns change SO fast. They lose their "curl," their back wrinkles, the peach fuzz on their back. Their wee hands and curled-up toes start to grow - fast! These are the little details you want to capture while you can, because as hard as it is to believe when you first have them...these sweet details start to fade.