Saturday, May 23, 2009

The New Space

We haven't fully unpacked (which means our house is a mess), so I don't have inside photos to share, but here it is on the outside...
the view from our living/dining room & bedroom...
And here's the beautiful new studio space!
I had some BIG studio samples come in - I am currently obsessed with large wall potraits - 20x20 and 20x24 are my new favourite's not so big that you need to own a mansion for it to work, but it is large enough to turn your portraits into art.

As soon as they are framed, I'll post more photos of the space.

And here's the very first photo I took in the new studio space (even before I had the backdrops unpacked!)I love having my nieces around!
I had to include some of the little soccer player! (#7, just like her grandpa, mom & auntie!)cool little cleats!And, here is her number #1 fan...braving the rain to see the game!Up next...some shots from a recent Kamloops session and a preview of the lucky models down at Sprouts!

(I'll be in Victoria this coming weekend - May 28-31st...I have some free time on Friday afternoon after 1PM, so if you are due for a family session, get in touch!)