I've been playing catch up from a busy May, and am just getting around to posting a few photos from my trip to Calgary.
Last time I saw this family, this little guy was snug as a bug in his Mommy's tummy - here he is at 1!

Getting some big sister

She is such a ham - so much fun!

And this little one was still in her mamma's belly last time I was in Calgary!

Amazingly enough, these two came into the world on the same day!

(their kitty really really wanted to be in the family photos too!)

Then it was off to the park for a family session

Playtime got serious - shoes came off!

Ever try to read in a car when you are on a really windy road? You know that feeling you get in your tummy....well...it's a bit like that being on a spinning merry-go-round while looking through your viewfinder.

I wasn't sure I was going to survive it....but the result was well worth the

After the kids were played out at the park, we took some time to photograph baby #3-on-the-way!

Congrats E&M - looking forward to meeting the new addition to the family in August!
Ok - this post is getting long! I'll save the last of the Calgary photos for the next one! Then, some shots from my recent Victoria shoot.