I have fallen way behind in posting previews...so, today's blog is called "catch-up"
Enjoy a peak at some sessions from this spring...You may recognize this cutie as one of the winners from the 2009 Vancouver Island Baby Fair photo contest!
This little cutie is gearing up for tea time...only fitting since she has recently opened up a cafe on the water - the Lido (ok...her daddy has opened it up)
Check it out - near the Harbour planes...by the ol' 'Boom Boom' room (...admit it...you know where that is!)
You know how they say pregnant woman can 'glow'....I think this image is the perfect example...she simply radiates!
This little cutie was FULL of energy...her trampoline definitely got a workout that day!
I had the pleasure of capturing this little one first while she was still in her mamma's belly...and now...this sweet, amazing little angel.
The weather was beautiful as we headed out to Beacon Hill for a family session
The twins turn 1!
I've had the pleasure of capturing these little guys for the last year...watch for an upcoming post showcasing the storyboard of their first year!