You remember that tune don't you? I must admit, I had all but forgotten about it until watching "About A Boy" recently. Now, I can't get the darn thing out of my head...and sadly, I sing it about as well Hugh Grant so it's getting a little painful.
But, it got me thinking about music...and how powerful it can be. Feeling sleepy in the morning? Crank a little Pink Floyd and you're hopping around the living room like a mad woman. Can't sleep at night? Pop in some Enya and you're catching Zzzz's in no time. Of course, sometimes, you aren't planning the tunes...but something comes on, perhaps an old Beach Boys hit and suddenly, you're transported back in time, hanging out in your favourite summer location (for me, our cabin at Round Lake).
The other thing I find does the same thing...photographs (uh oh - am I about to launch into a marketing spiel?) No - seriously though - when I was back visiting the homeland, I was browsing through an album from my first year of university, and I was amazed at how many events I had temporarily forgotten, until I had a sweet reminder in front of me (and sometimes not so sweet..oh...say, like "the frosh 15!")
Now, I'm not saying you should drop everything and go get some photographs professionally done (although, if you want to, give me a call!). But, really - DO pull out your camera and snap off some candids.
You'll be extremely grateful you did. I mean, how else are you going to remember those little things that make life so wonderful:
* how sweet your little girl looks all dressed up in Mommy's clothing
* the crazy stunts your friends pull
* your kitten hanging from the top of the Christmas tree
* how cute your grandma looks with rollers in her hair
And sure, every now and then, I think it IS worthwhile to get some beautiful photographs taken of your whole family (after all, if you are always taking the photos, how are going to remember how YOU looked 5 years from now!)...ok...there - got a pitch in!