Monday, July 24, 2006


No, I'm not referring to the much talked about "Victorian heat wave" - I'm talking about my first official "weekend of photo sessions" - I DID IT! (...let there be much rejoicing!)

I didn't run into many snags - in fact just one glitch - which I'm still contemplating whether or not to share - it really was a bit of a brain-fart. Of course, I'm going to bet those stories are the ones that will get you coming back here time and time again...yup - everyone loves a humiliating tale... (so watch for the upcoming post on Asher & his human)

But, first up, a couple of sweethearts - sisters Hana & Emily.

They were a complete dream to photograph. I hope you enjoy viewing a couple as much as I enjoyed taking them!


"you only have one eye!"

"sisterly love"

"here comes trouble" (watch out Laurel!)

What I DID learn is that with such cute "models," it is easy to burn through all the memory on my card. I also learned that the download time is s-l-o-w.

I also learned that having balloon fights with such energetic kids is one heck of a workout.

I also learned that if you have a 20 minute balloon fight in between shots, the kids will have really red cheeks for the second half of the shoot! (will get one of those shots up so you can see what I mean!)

And, of course, a BIG thank-you to Auntie Sheryl for helping me out! I hope it wasn't too much "work!"

"a horse-ride gone sideways!"

Coming up next....the absolutely adorable Lilly (& family)