First of all, to all you parents, grandparents and aunties that are spending waaay too much money on all the fancy toys out there, DON'T!
Why? Well, have you ever noticed that kids seem to like the BOXES the toys come in more than the toys. Or, you proudly place a talking, walking, singing, snoring doll in front of them, and all they want to do is play with your mixing bowls.
Lily, who you'll meet below, is the perfect example of this. Her latest obsession - keys and sunglasses! She simply couldn't get enough of them :)
Anyway, here is part 2 of 3 from my weekend sessions. Lily & her family.
(sorry - Kim & Rich - just because Lily is the star doesn't mean the parents can't have names too!)
(the perfect poser - I think she's done this before!)

(this is my old phone - bring back some nostalgic memories...anyone?)

(Ah...the much photographed sunglasses)

(another blast from the past - the old shape sorter...which I hear are hard to come by these days!)

(Look at that devilish grin....really...just lovin those glasses!)

(Hop on Pop!)
(Cuddle time with Mom)
Photo Tip: I learned that she responded well to jingling keys
Another Tip: I also learned it is really hard to zoom in when one hand is flailing about. Perhaps next time, a key jingling assistant will be in order?!!
And, that brings me to the end of Lily's showcase - watch for coming soon, where more photos of Lily, Hana & Emily, and of COURSE, my beautiful nieces will be featured.
Coming up first "major" blunder...and Asher & his human.