"Yeah...right!".. at least that's what I'm sure Asher & his human were thinking during their photo shoot...and, with good reason..at least for the first 10 minutes.
For all you waiting to hear the humiliating tale...(all 2 of you! hehe) - here it is!
I had everything prepped for the upcoming photo shoot. Lights were set & tested. Light meter checked. The "studio" was feeling relatively comfortable, despite the plus 30 heat outside. Camerea set, memory card erased. I was ready to go.
(Or...so I thought).
Asher & his human arrived right on time. He quickly adjusted to "the studio", and within minutes, he was doing some serious posing for me.
I quickly grabbed my camera, composed the first shot...and...click.
I glanced down to the LCD to make sure all looked good, and...what the?!?!?!
The screen was competely BLACK. Oh dear.
I quickly started "troubleshooting" (a fancy way to say I started to frantically press a bunch of buttons). Of course, this only being the 5th session I had ever done, I really didn't have much to go on.
I checked this and that, and all looked fine. I was mystified. I tried a few adjustments....still black.
Hoping I had just changed the display option, and there was a photo somewhere, I took one in auto mode using the on camera flash, and, it came up perfectly fine.
After a VERYpainstakingly embarrassing 4-6 minutes (which felt like an HOUR!), I asked, "did the lights flash when I just snapped that last photo. "nope."
Good Grief!
So, after turning all possible shades of red, I mustered up all the confidence I had left, swaggered over to my main light, and flicked the darn remote trigger to "ON"
Anyway...after that, it was off to the races, and as you can see, the session resulted in some great shots!
The moral of the story..if your photographer if having difficulties during the start of your session, ask them if everything is turned on. Sounds obvious. And yet....
Coming up next...the perils of working with a 100 lb dog....
Monday, July 31, 2006
No really...I AM a professional!
Monday, July 24, 2006
"Toys schmoys - I want keys keys keys"
First of all, to all you parents, grandparents and aunties that are spending waaay too much money on all the fancy toys out there, DON'T!
Why? Well, have you ever noticed that kids seem to like the BOXES the toys come in more than the toys. Or, you proudly place a talking, walking, singing, snoring doll in front of them, and all they want to do is play with your mixing bowls.
Lily, who you'll meet below, is the perfect example of this. Her latest obsession - keys and sunglasses! She simply couldn't get enough of them :)
Anyway, here is part 2 of 3 from my weekend sessions. Lily & her family.
(sorry - Kim & Rich - just because Lily is the star doesn't mean the parents can't have names too!)
(the perfect poser - I think she's done this before!)

(this is my old phone - bring back some nostalgic memories...anyone?)

(Ah...the much photographed sunglasses)

(another blast from the past - the old shape sorter...which I hear are hard to come by these days!)

(Look at that devilish grin....really...just lovin those glasses!)

(Hop on Pop!)
(Cuddle time with Mom)
Photo Tip: I learned that she responded well to jingling keys
Another Tip: I also learned it is really hard to zoom in when one hand is flailing about. Perhaps next time, a key jingling assistant will be in order?!!
And, that brings me to the end of Lily's showcase - watch for www.prairiechild.com coming soon, where more photos of Lily, Hana & Emily, and of COURSE, my beautiful nieces will be featured.
Coming up next....my first "major" blunder...and Asher & his human.
No, I'm not referring to the much talked about "Victorian heat wave" - I'm talking about my first official "weekend of photo sessions" - I DID IT! (...let there be much rejoicing!)
I didn't run into many snags - in fact just one glitch - which I'm still contemplating whether or not to share - it really was a bit of a brain-fart. Of course, I'm going to bet those stories are the ones that will get you coming back here time and time again...yup - everyone loves a humiliating tale... (so watch for the upcoming post on Asher & his human)
But, first up, a couple of sweethearts - sisters Hana & Emily.
They were a complete dream to photograph. I hope you enjoy viewing a couple as much as I enjoyed taking them!

What I DID learn is that with such cute "models," it is easy to burn through all the memory on my card. I also learned that the download time is s-l-o-w.
I also learned that having balloon fights with such energetic kids is one heck of a workout.
I also learned that if you have a 20 minute balloon fight in between shots, the kids will have really red cheeks for the second half of the shoot! (will get one of those shots up so you can see what I mean!)
"a horse-ride gone sideways!"
Coming up next....the absolutely adorable Lilly (& family)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Killing Me Softly...
You remember that tune don't you? I must admit, I had all but forgotten about it until watching "About A Boy" recently. Now, I can't get the darn thing out of my head...and sadly, I sing it about as well Hugh Grant so it's getting a little painful.
But, it got me thinking about music...and how powerful it can be. Feeling sleepy in the morning? Crank a little Pink Floyd and you're hopping around the living room like a mad woman. Can't sleep at night? Pop in some Enya and you're catching Zzzz's in no time. Of course, sometimes, you aren't planning the tunes...but something comes on, perhaps an old Beach Boys hit and suddenly, you're transported back in time, hanging out in your favourite summer location (for me, our cabin at Round Lake).
The other thing I find does the same thing...photographs (uh oh - am I about to launch into a marketing spiel?) No - seriously though - when I was back visiting the homeland, I was browsing through an album from my first year of university, and I was amazed at how many events I had temporarily forgotten, until I had a sweet reminder in front of me (and sometimes not so sweet..oh...say, like "the frosh 15!")
Now, I'm not saying you should drop everything and go get some photographs professionally done (although, if you want to, give me a call!). But, really - DO pull out your camera and snap off some candids.
You'll be extremely grateful you did. I mean, how else are you going to remember those little things that make life so wonderful:
* how sweet your little girl looks all dressed up in Mommy's clothing
* the crazy stunts your friends pull
* your kitten hanging from the top of the Christmas tree
* how cute your grandma looks with rollers in her hair
And sure, every now and then, I think it IS worthwhile to get some beautiful photographs taken of your whole family (after all, if you are always taking the photos, how are going to remember how YOU looked 5 years from now!)...ok...there - got a pitch in!
It's Official!
Well, a few small hoops to jump through, and Prairie Child Photography is officially registered with the BC Government (and by small hoops, I just mean paying fees!). But, that's good news. I was rather attached to my "tribute to my roots" name, and it would have been rather disappointing to have to change to "Erin Brule Photography."
I mean, the accents would never go in, and I would forever been known as "brool" - ahhh!

And, of course, what is party without cake...a HUGE crocodile cake!

Stay tuned for more updates....coming up next....Meow-mania! Prairie Child pays tribute to the kitties that warm our hearts...and pee on our beds...grr!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Ode to My Nieces
Expect to find a gad of photos dedicated to beautiful nieces...who could ask for better models to work with? First off, my firecracker niece..turning 2 next month..
then, her slightly more mellow sister...who turned 3 months just before these photos....
and of course, the proud grandparents...after Mom's photo with Ernie, I figured I owed it to her to put in a more..uh..normal shot!
Stay tuned for more photos and updates 'from the trenches!'
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Home Bound
This past week I flew back for a trip to the 'homeland.' Of course, this wasn't just a pleasure trip...I was armed with my full home studio, and ready to try out my new toys with the family.
This was the "studio" - set up at our cabin at Round Lake. I'll post some of the photos taken from the "studio" soon.
Luckily my family is great at being a good sport - especially Mom who was helping me with some "prop" selections! (thanks